The ONEE selects ARI Solar

  • The ONEE selects ARI Solar

    The ONEE selects ARI Solar

    The Spanish company wins ONEE’s contract for eight meteorological stations in Morocco

    Morocco’s Power Utility ONEE (Office National de l’Électricité et de l’Eau potable) has awarded ARI Solar a contract for the Procurement, Installation, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of eight stations for measurement of meteorological variables.

    These stations will be located in rural areas of the Maghrebian country and are part of the ambitious solar resource measurement plan started by ONEE.

    The Kingdom of Morocco joins the community of customers that have placed their confidence in ARI Solar, which with over 70 meteorological stations in 25 countries consolidates its position as a leader in this field.

    Emilio Murcia

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