Summary of the conference for CSP Today South Africa 2013

  • Summary of the conference for CSP Today South Africa 2013

    ARI Solar attended a second meeting on Concentration Solar Power (CSP) in Pretoria, on the 4th and 5th of February organized by CSP Today. The event featured appointment officers involved in the development of CSP technology in South Africa.

    The conference held meetings for the presentation of their views on the current and future development of CSP in South Africa with the influence of different market players. The electricity producer and supplier Eskom, the association of CSP in South Africa SASTELA, representatives from the University of Stellenbosch specializing in this field and companies carrying out the construction of CSP projects in South Africa including Abengoa Solar South Africa and ACWA Power.

    During a similar event held by the CSP congress in Seville last November, ARI Solar introduced its patented heliostat: the Ariostato, receiving a positive reception from attending companies. Demonstrating an interest in learning about the benefits of introducing this model to the field of CSP energy with a marketing calendar.

    Emilio Murcia

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